Our approach for treating employees who are injured on the job starts before an accident occurs. We obtain our client-insureds’ commitment to the wellbeing of their employees when they first choose Nixer Comp as their Workers’ Compensation program. One of our critical Program Pillars is helping to train the Staffing firm and its host-employers on proper claims reporting requirements, including reporting a claim within 24 hours of the known injury.
Reporting a claim immediately helps achieve the following:
Client-insureds will report a workplace incident within 24 hours.
From the Host-Employer’s Jobsite Location
The injured temporary employee and the host-employer’s jobsite supervisor call the Nixer Comp 800 number to report the incident or accident from a location providing privacy.
From the Staffing Company’s Office Location
The injured temporary employee and the Claims Coordinator for the Temporary Staffing Company (Employer of Record) call the Nixer Comp 800 Number to report the incident or accident from a location providing privacy.
By Conference Call Between the Staffing Company & Temporary Employee
The injured temporary employee and the Claims Coordinator for the Staffing company (Employer of Record) connect via conference call at the 800 Number to report the incident or accident together.
Nixer Comp will review all reported claims and forward to our TPA, CCMSI, as needed if medical treatment is sought or if further investigation is required to determine compensability.
During the initial call, our Nurse Triage partner will determine the best course of action for the injured worker – from referring the patient to connect with a physician via telemedicine if necessary to advising an urgent care visit and getting the proper medical treatment authorizations. A claims adjuster will evaluate and establish injured workers with ongoing medical care if needed. Throughout the entire claims process, we work together with the injured employee and client-insured to ensure ongoing communication and a positive outcome.