Our third-party return-to-work partner, ReEmployAbility, helps us accommodate injured and recovering workers by identifying or modifying jobs that are in alignment with their physical capacities and get back to work as quickly and smoothly as possible. Nixer Comp is committed to early return-to-work as it facilitates the recovery process while reducing the likelihood of permanent disability. Early return-to-work also boosts employee morale as the injured worker is more productive even in a modified job.
As part of our Program Pillars, we ask our client-insureds to commit to a customized return-to-work program based on the employee’s capability and to regularly review all task assignments to ensure modified duties are appropriate.
If a client-insured is unable to provide an on-site modified job, Nixer Comp also works with ReEmployAbility and its Transition2Work® program to place employees in temporary positions within the local community to perform light-duty volunteer work for nonprofit organizations. The program matches employees with an appropriate nonprofit assignment until they can return to work with their employer. The program could be considered an extension of an employer’s existing return-to-work program, retaining the employees’ status with their company by providing continuation of wages. The benefits of this program are many: