Nixer Comp provides Claims Reporting Wallet Cards to each of our client-insured’s employees, delivered to the policyholder’s corporate location and each satellite location. Each employee should be trained to report all incidents and accidents regardless of injury as part of their new employee orientation. The instructions on the Wallet Card will remind them of the proper steps to take if an injury occurs while working at a host-employer’s jobsite location.
The Wallet Cards are available in English and Spanish and list the contact information for the Account Executive and Claims Coordinator for the individual client-insured location.
Millions of dollars are wasted every year because temporary workers and host-employers are not informed about the claims-handling expectations of the staffing company.
The Wallet Cards are designed to help reduce late reporting and non-reporting of Workers’ Compensation claims. When claims are reported late or go unreported, the average claim cost goes up. The employee’s condition may deteriorate if there is a delay in seeking treatment, resulting in increased medical costs and impeding the worker’s recovery time. The opportunity to direct initial treatment to a medical facility that specializes in occupational injuries and coordinate with an employer’s return-to-work program may be missed. Claims investigations may be compromised or hindered as witnesses to the accident may no longer be available. In addition, many states have reporting requirements and may impose fines for late claims reporting or failure to report a claim.