One of the hallmarks behind the great results we get in the Nixer Comp Program is determining the appropriate class code assignment for each employee, especially critical in the Temporary Staffing industry. Staffing companies succeed or fail based on effectively managing their Workers’ Compensation mechanism, as profit margins are directly tied to their premiums. Verifying and applying the correct class code to temporary placements is critical in projecting accurate Workers’ Compensation premiums.
This may sound simple enough but often it’s not done correctly, resulting in oversights and misinterpretations that could bring about erroneous bids, premium adjustments, incorrect experience modifications that result in premium increases post-audit, reinsurance exclusions, insurance cancellations, non-renewals, or denials.
Our Classification Determination Rating (CDR) Request System is designed to get proper classification assignments along with the appropriate manual and net rates. Client-insureds can submit a class-code request for temporary assignments via Nixer Comp’s web-based CDR portal. Nixer Comp will review the request and then return a formal, documented underwriting, risk management and classification determination.
Submit a CDR Request via the Nixer Comp Web Portal.
3-5 Minutes
Most Determinations don’t require additional questions. Underwriting Supplementals are automatically included based on the submission.
Deteriminations are a priority and our goal is accuracy and speed. If a Nixer Comp Claims-Kit was requested along with the Determination and we approve the request, the Claims Kit will be included with the response.
Our Goal is a YES
Help Us Say It
30 Minutes to 24 Hours
Average Response Time Is Two Hours
Our goal is to properly classify job assignments and provide a determination within 24 hours.
If approved, the host-employer, jobsite, job assignment, the determined code and rate will be endorsed to the policy and added to our payroll reporting system. This is process designed to streamline the Final Premium Audit process at the end of the policy period.
Everything is documented, including any completed underwriting supplemental and returned with the formal determination.